Starting October 1, 2024, the Ford County Clerk & Recorder’s office has joined Fidlar. We now offer Laredo as a title search tool and E-Recording. We are indexed back to 1992 however; documents are only scanned through 2001.
“Legislators have recently passed HB3878 which increases the Rental Housing Support Fee by an additional $10.00. The increase affects recording fees in all 102 counties throughout the State of Illinois and will take effect July 1, 2023.”
Current Recording Price list:
For all recording fees – Click here
For a list of fees effective January 1, 2025 – Click here
Please call our office for prices not listed.
Current Vital Records Price list and other Office Fees – Click Here
Please call our office for prices not listed.
Real Estate Documents
(Includes a $10 State of Illinois Rental Housing Support Program surcharge. School districts, state & local government, and easements for public utilities are exempt from the RHSP surcharge.)
Real Estate documents include, but not limited to, the following
- Upper right-hand corner must have a 3″ x 5″ space for recording information
- Documents must be printed on white 20 lb weight paper
- Must be in the English language
- Prepared By
- Return To
- Grantor and Grantee
- Documents must be original
- Legal description, Parcel number and address
- Notary Seal, Date and Signature
- Original signatures
- Date of Document
- No white out on any document will be accepted
- Exempt Stamp and/or Transfer Declaration
- Note: Transfer of Declaration – must be filled out completely including lot size or acreage, phone #’s, signed and a Legal description
- Plat Act Affidavit (for split property only)
- Mail Tax Statement To: Name & Address
- Releases, Assignments and Extensions must have a document number, and/or book and page number the document is referring to
- Correcting or Re-recording a document: the original document must be attached to a new first page. New first page must meet all recording requirements listed above and also must refer to original document and what the corrections are. Corrections must never be made to the original document
- Documents after 4:00 PM will be recorded on the next business day
- Documents will be held in our office for one business day. The recorded documents will be returned to the “Return To” address on the recorded document.
Additional Charges
(Apply to real estate or other documents above.)
- Certified copy of document – $20.00
- Subdivision Plat/Survey (for standard size) – $84.00
- Subdivision Plat/Survey (for non-standard size) – $95.00
- An 8 1/2″ x 11″ copy must accompany all Non-Standard original documents in order to be recorded
Non-Compliance Document Fee (if a document contains any of the following)
Additional page for non-compliance of standardization laws
- Paper not white or less than 20 lb weight
- One or more sheets not measuring 8.5 x 11
- Lacks clean margin or at least .5 inch top, bottom and side
- 1st page lacks blank space measuring 3×5 inches in upper right corner
- Permanently bound or of continuous form
- Contains colored ink, is not type written or computer generated
- Type face smaller than 10 point
- Contains an attachment stapled, taped or otherwise affixed to document
“Legislators have recently passed HB3878 which increases the Rental Housing Support Fee by an additional $10.00. The increase affects recording fees in all 102 counties throughout the State of Illinois and will take effect July 1, 2023.”