200 W. State Room 104
Paxton, IL 60957
Phone: (217) 379-9430
Office Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
The Office of Supervisor of Assessments was created by state law to provide statistical assessment performance data to the Illinois Department of Revenue. It is the responsibility of the county’s four multi-township assessors to assess the property in their jurisdictions. This office provides information to the multi-township assessors to assist them with their responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the Supervisor of Assessments to equalize the assessments within the county after the multi-township assessors complete their work. The Supervisor of Assessments is, by statute, the Clerk of the Board of Review, assisting the board and property owners with the assessment appeal process.
This site is dedicated to providing information to the property owners of Ford County. We encourage you to use this website to access information about your property and information about the assessment process. We strive to provide accurate information.
The Freedom of Information Officer for the Supervisor of Assessments Office, the Farmland Assessment Review Committee and the Board of Review is Pam Bruens, Supervisor of Assessments. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act the information concerning individual properties is available through the Property Records Search link. The following information concerning property records is also available.
- Property Export File (TXT Updated 07/11/2024)
- MTA Dist. Map setting assessment years (see Resolution 19-116)